2018 Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop

20. 4. 2018

čas čtení 1 minuta

2018 Czech and Slovak Studies Workshop 
April 21-22, 2018
The Harriman Institute at Columbia University

Name  Affiliation  Title of presentation
 Ondřej Slačálek  Ústav politologie, FF UK 
Small Is More than Beautiful: The Moral Significance of Proportion in the Discourses of ‘The Meaning of Czech History’
 Matthew Slaboch  Princeton University
T. G. Masaryk on American Ideas and Institutions

 Kathryn Densford
 George Washington University
1918 in Southern Moravia: War’s End and State Formation in the Borderlands

 Václav Paris
 City College of New York
Survival of the Unfittest: Švejk and the Nation
 Julia Sutton-Mattocks  University of Bristol
Surgery, Psychiatry and Syphilis: Medical Scenarios in Inter-War Czech Literature and Cinema
 Martin Nedbal  University of Kansas
Eighteenth-Century Opera Seria and Nineteenth-Century Nationalism: Czech and German Approaches to Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito in Prague, 1791-1891
 Marek Nekula  Universität Regensburg
Language Loyalty and Reality: The Languages of Bedřich Smetana in Bohemian Context

 Sarah Lemmen
 German Historical Institute, Washington, DC
The Czechoslovak Harbor in Hamburg: A Cold War Case Study

 Rosamund Johnston
 New York University
‘Witnessing’ Emigration on the Airwaves in 1950s Czechoslovakia

 Marty Mullins
 Flathead Valley Community College
Commemorating Communism? The Varying Connotations Associated with Košice, Slovakia's Central Square
 Meghan Forbes  Museum of Modern Art
Toyen, Průvodce Paříží and the Accessible Avant-Garde
 Marta Filipová  University of Birmingham
Art, Politics and War: Czechoslovakia at New York World's Fair 1939/40
 Traci O’Brien  Auburn University
Kde je domov? Prague’s Role in Lenka Reinerová’s Czech-German Life
 José Vergara  Swarthmore College
Lard, Macaroni, and the Pursuit of Happiness in Ivan Blatný’s Pomocná škola Bixley



Obsah vydání | 23. 4. 2018