Czech Republic: Immigrants are a danger, says PM of country that no immigrants want to go to

28. 7. 2018

čas čtení 2 minuty

"After my discussion with the Bavarian PM, I have come to the conclusion that we must fight illegal immigration at all costs," said the Czech Prime Minister, the controversial oligarch Andrej Babiš, who is being investigated for an alleged financial fraud and who used to be a communist secret police agent, in an interview with the Právo newspaper.

(Editor's Note: Regarding Babiš's expression "illegal immigration".  According to the Geneva Conventions, which has been signed even by the Czech government, refugees have the right to cross any borders and to have their application for protection from war and persecution fairly assessed by the authorities of the country which they have entered.)

Babiš continued:

"German society is divided. The public service media are trying to be pro-immigrant and anyone who criticises this approach, is being attacked for this. We will see what the silent majority says. I think that it will decisively influence the forthcoming European elections. I am of the opinion that the anti-immigration movements will surprise us very much with the amount of support they will have received by May 2019.

You see, more and more Europeans are becoming increasingly aware that the model of multiculturalism is a threat to the traditions and values of our ancestors. I think that AfD will become stronger. This will also be due to the scandal with the German footballer Özil, who has said that the Turkish President Erdogan is his President.

The European Commission does not want to understand that the only solution is to stop illegal migration and asylum procedures must take place outside Europe. We must follow the example of Australia. We must fight against the smugglers, their boats must not be allowed to set sail. It is wrong to think that illegal immigrants should come to our countries. The European Commission is delirious, it will not take the telling.

We have enough problems in the Czech Republic. We have not been able to solve the Roma questions, we have people with small incomes. We must take care of our own people, we cannot take care of everyone.

It is a serious problem that only very few migrants are able to work the way firms demand. They have a different culture, different habits. And then you see the aggressive immigrant attack at Ceuta. These are not people that our firms would be interested in. We want people from the East.

I went into politics in order to help our people, not the whole world. The Czech Republic rejects illegal migration and Europe must send a clear signal that we will not accept the boats, that the borders are closed and no social welfare is being given. If we say that, these people will lose their motivation. There is no other solution.

The NGOs, which are funded I do not know by whom, should work in the afflicted countries and they should help people there. They must not help people to come to Europe where there is then a problem with them because they cannot integrate into our society. Thus their work is not positive."

Source in Czech HERE



Obsah vydání | 2. 8. 2018