Czech President Zeman: 90 per cent of the "unadaptable" people are Roma

12. 11. 2017

čas čtení 1 minuta

Czech President Miloš Zeman rejected the UN Human Rights Report dealing with the Czech Republic. The Report calls on the Czech Republic to improve the integration of the Roma minory into Czech society. Zeman said, in reaction to the report, that there should be no positive discrimination of the Roma people in the Czech Republic, because even positive discrimination "is still discrimination".

In the connection with the UN Report, Zeman has expressed the opinion that "90 per cent of 'unadaptable' people in the Czech Republic are Roma".

The word "unadaptable" (in Czech "nepřizpůsobivý", really meaning "a parasite") has recently become a frequently used euphemism to replace racist abuse directed systematically against the Roma in the Czech Republic. According to Zeman, "unadaptable are such people who refuse to work, even though they are healthy. 90 per cent of these people are probably Roma," he added. 

The Roma members of the Czech government's Council for the Affairs of the Roma Minority have sharply criticised the above statement by Zeman. "The president cannot make such public statements without referring to reliable evidence," they said in an open letter. 

"I will not even react to such an embarrassing anti-Zeman attack," said Zeman's official spokesperson Jiří Ovčáček. "These people do not represent any Roma," he added.

Source in Czech HERE



Obsah vydání | 15. 11. 2017