Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic: We can do what WE want, no matter what international law says
30. 8. 2024
The UN's top court has said Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories is against international law, in a landmark opinion.
Delivering the court's findings, ICJ President Nawaf Salam said it had found that "Israel's... continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is illegal."
Among its other far-reaching conclusions, the court said Israeli restrictions on Palestinians in the occupied territories constituted "systemic discrimination based on, inter alia, race, religion or ethnic origin". It also said Israel had illegally exploited the Palestinians' natural resources and violated their right to self-determination.
The court also advised states to avoid any actions, including providing aid or assistance, that would maintain the current situation.
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This is the response of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
To a Citizen's Inquiry: In the Czech Republic's relations with the State of Israel, is the Foreign Minister bound by international law and international human rights conventions and the Geneva Conventions on the law of war? In what active decisions and statements have the Minister and the Ministry demonstrated this in relation to the occupation of the Palestinian territories, the building of occupation settlements and violence against Palestinians?"
On behalf of the addressed Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and Minister Jan Lipavský, the information was provided by Mgr. Mariana Wernerová, Deputy Director of the Department of Communication:
"There is no armed conflict between the Czech Republic and the State of Israel, therefore the Czech Republic's commitment to international humanitarian law, the conventions of the law of war and the Geneva Conventions are not relevant in relation to the State of Israel, as well as in cases of commitment to international human rights conventions."
In response to a citizen's question, "And has the Minister proposed or supported sanctions against Israeli occupiers and against the building of occupation settlements? When and in what wording?"
Written on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic by Mgr. Mariana Wernerová: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not aware of any such action."
In response to a citizen's question, "If it has not done so, then for what legal or other reason?"
On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in writing Mgr Mgr. Mariana Wernerová says " The Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected this part of the complaint, see letter No. 119743-8/2024-MFA/OK".
And finally, the best bit:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jan Lipavsky, through Mgr. Wernerová "According to the commentary literature and case law, the obliged entity (the MFA) is not obliged to explain its procedures or positions, nor is it obliged to explain or justify why its representative took or did not take a certain position or was not active in a certain way. This is particularly true if the representative was acting in the role of a politician."
Information from the MFA of the Czech Republic was obtained by Radomír Silber, Ph.D.
Request for information pursuant to Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information, dated 3 August 2024
Communication and Decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
No. 119743-3/2024-MFA/OK dated 9 August 2024
No 119743-4/2024-MFA/OK of 9 August 2024
Copy of the Complaint against the conduct of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 12 August 2024
Ref: 119743-7/2024-MFA/OK dated 19 August 2024
Decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ref: 119743-8/2024-MFA/OK dated 19 August 2024