Ruská teroristická armáda systematicky používá proti civilním osadám vysoce hořlavý bílý fosfor a termit. I o Vánocích
26. 12. 2022
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1 minuta
Jsou to válečné zločiny. Bílý fosfor a termit zakládají rozsáhlé požáry.
Termit neuhasíte. Když na vás padne, propálí vám tělo až na kost.
Yesterday, better footage of the incendiary ammunition used by Russian forces on Kherson. The amount wounded has risen tot 55. There are different stories about the number of deaths but it is somewhere between 10-20. All as a results of the shelling in the city center.
— NOËL 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 (@NOELreports) December 25, 2022
White phosphorus over Marinka it says
— Ukraine Will Win (@tomaburque) December 25, 2022
Shyroka Balka, Russian forces again using incendiary ammunition.
— NOËL 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 (@NOELreports) December 25, 2022
Often confused with white phosphorus, this is thermite over Marinka today it says. It's metal that burns 4000˚F and cannot be smothered. If it gets on you it will burn to the bone. #WarCrimes #Ukraine is winning
— Ukraine Will Win (@tomaburque) November 25, 2022