Studenti v Afghánistánu bojkotují zkoušky na protest zákazu studia pro dívky
24. 12. 2022
čas čtení
1 minuta
Incredible scenes in Afghanistan today as male students walk out of their university exam in protest against Taliban’s decision to BAN women & girls from university.
— Shabnam Nasimi (@NasimiShabnam) December 24, 2022
The time is now for men across the country to rise and stand in solidarity!
Taliban je mlatí a střílí do nich:
The Taliban are reportedly shooting and beating male students who walked out of their exams in Afghanistan today in protest against the ban on women going to university.
— Shabnam Nasimi (@NasimiShabnam) December 24, 2022
This is truly barbaric and horrifying. The world must watch, listen and act now.