Brexit: Změna volebního zákona ve prospěch občanů EU a 16 a 17letých nebyla připuštěna k hlasování
29. 10. 2019
Government is now threatening to pull the general-election bill if Labour insists on amendment to enfranchise 3.4m EU citizens. It all gets crazier
— Robert Peston (@Peston) October 29, 2019
MPs vote to allow opposition amendments to a bill that would pave the way for an early election on December 12, potentially opening the door to attempts to extend the vote to 16 and 17 year olds, and EU nationals
— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) October 29, 2019
Ayes: 312
Noes: 295
Live updates:
Konzervativní poslanec: Šestnáctiletým a sedmáctiletým občanům by nemělo být dovoleno hlasovat ve volbách, protože by nevolili konzervativce!!
MP says 16 and 17-year-olds shouldn’t be allowed a vote because they wouldn’t back the Tories
— The New European (@TheNewEuropean) October 29, 2019
Labouristický dodatek požadující rozšíření volebního práva na šestnáctileté a sedmnáctileté:
I have now tabled my simple and straightforward #VotesAt16 Amendment. Thanks to all colleagues who have signed. The Government have unfortunately tried to make it as difficult to table, select and vote on amendments as possible.
— Stephen Doughty MP / AS (@SDoughtyMP) October 29, 2019